INSERT Big Bend Church

Aug 4, 2009

Alvin And Alyssa.
Jared and his creation.
Bayli <3 Logan.
After Home Depot Field trip.
Caylen and Marley's faces.

Jun 30, 2009

Caterpillar song.
Monkey face!
Ms.Stephanie and Lia on their way to the Primate Sanctuary!!!

Jun 24, 2009

Kids Church at Splash Zone!

Yoga with Ms. Karyn ....Posting by Jr Camp Counselor Lianessa aka LadyBug!

Photos and video by Lianessa

Karyn performing the bridge pose.
Yoga, rattlesnake pose.

Yoga, Group staircase pose.

Yoga, Group flower pose.

Kids doing yoga...the coyote pose.

Splash Zone campers performing the group staircase pose and also trying to make the following kids head move up and down by laughing.